The Annals of Frontier and Exploratory Science

Atomic Physics Pioneer M.Gryzinski - Achievements and Role in Physics of XX

Friday, 03-May-2024 18:02:57 GMT

Many physicists made attempts and suggested the moves outside of limited "edition" QM and SR, GR mostly imaginable Atomic physics in XX century. Most of them had fallen in professional "battle", lost their carriers, countries, and even more.

Nevertheless, the great examples, evidently successful and just recent examples are of Cold Fusion reactor designs with leading experimental role of A.Rossi, nuclear activated internal reciprocating expansion/contraction engine process and engines developed by J.Papp, various Magnetic Motors where the most advanced designs were achieved by M.Yildiz - marvellous samples of physical phenomena not acting under the COH physics laws.

Meanwhile, all these and the great number of other Perendevs (Permanent Energy Devices) already have and should have the explanations within the 2nd physics [6-32]: Elements of 2nd Physics at the beginning of XXI.

Achievements of M.Gryzinski in Atomic Physics:

The Great role of M.Gryzinski [1-5] (and references therein) was in the establishment of fearless path, road to the non-imaginable, non-fictitious physical objects and physics of Atomic and Sub-atomic scales.

1) He was the most persistent and on the long run achiever in the revealing the false constructions of QM based Imaginable Mathematical Physics (QMIMP) and at the same time he was a creator, developer of many non-imaginable Classical Mechanics constructs, models, theories of physical phenomena in Atomic and Particulate physics [1-5] and many references therein.

2) M.Gryzinski had established an awareness and confidence in the reality of Atomic and Particle physics subjects that can be treated as a physical reality and not only in experiments, but with the mathematical models, theories reflecting the experimental measurements (COHP anyway restricted) as is, with no conjectures or adjustments of physical nature demanding imaginable constructions of QM to be involved - waves, for example.

3) Many fundamental problems of atomic physics that through the decades (1950-1980 years) have being claimed as the only solvable with the frustrating mathematical methods of Quantum Mechanics (QM) have been proven to have the better statements. With some based on Classical Mechanics, even for the first time for many problems solutions.

This have made a strong, really solid fundamental message to physics professionals, technical and education specialists in related disciplines that the Classical Mechanics based Atomic physics exists without any conjectural mathematics.

4) We need to mention regarding Gryzinski's achievements that these are the results in Atomic Physics still obtained in the areas of Conventional One-scale Homogeneous Physics (COHP). The whole Classical Mechanics of the XVIII-XX is the science of Homogeneous One-scale consideration, assumption. Meanwhile, the nature prescribed the Heterogeneous subjects in physics for almost any existing matter with interest for study [6-11].

What M.Gryzinski couldn't get Into and Why?

1) Simplifications with regard of acceptance of point-mass-charge-spin (PMCS) objects for substitution of physical volumetric sub-atomic particles greatly restricted the generally correct physical approach by Gryzinski to almost any atomic problem, field he did overcome in his endeavors within Atomic physics.

Nevertheless, in each of his 7 widely known - among advanced nuclear physicists, fundamental lectures [2] that were built on the classical physics (anyway One-scale Homogeneous) approach that was brought within this approach with the tools, methods of XVIII - XIX - first half XX centuries, Gryzinski obtained principal breakthroughs regarding the physical material presentations for nuclear and atomic structural physics subjects.

2) The statistical methods of experimental Atomic, particle, nuclear COH Physics as by their One-scale Homogeneous basics of physical and mathematical theories cannot be considered as the true experimental physics for truly Heterogeneous 3P matters of these areas of physics. We analyzed these sad results in many studies in Continuum as long as in the Sub-Atomic Discontinuous Heterogeneous physical fields [10-23].

This - the Heterogeneity and Scaling mean the serious consequences for the design of experiments and data reduction, 3P data reduction of the 3P HSP experiments [24-28], as they are in the nature present naturally themselves.

3) That means the comparisons in studies of M.Gryzinski of methods, solutions of a one-scale Homogeneous problem's statements with the Heterogeneous problems cannot be compared one-by-one to the COH physics experimentally obtained data - because those data were obtained via the Homogeneous physics data reduction methods [19-21].

Should be compared with either an adjustment or with the HS experimental techniques. This causes difficulties in the field - but we have gone throughout the same exaggerations in the Heterogeneous Scaled Continuum Mechanics disciplines [24-28].

Also see the two first concepts in "Hierarchical Polyphase Polyscale Concepts for Heterogeneous Media of Particle Physics and for their Modeling" [15,20,21].

Surprised of unexpected difficulties in a new field - yes, but this is another the 2nd Physics and you should compare this development with the Heterogeneous Hierarchical Mathematics, not the "Calculus of Differentiation and Integration" of XVII. Never thought on this? Because you was never told on this by university professors, right?

4) The MHL (Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz ) electrodynamics as a general tool in Classical Atomic Mecanics of Gryzinski (CAMG) is not a correct theory for application [12-14]. Also, using the Coulomb formula for the force in the atomic, sub-atomic governing equations for dynamic particles in an atom is not really correct. We've written on this in a number of papers, manuscripts [14, 29-31 ].

Why the majority, if not everyone in COH atomic, particle, nuclear and related fields physics workers starting from Bohr and Schrodinger do use instead of dynamic, transient formula of Lorentz the Coulomb formula (also not the best, just known to most) for the force interacting on a particle?

The answer is just in your eyes, but university physics professors don't teach, don't say this to students.

The answer is - because the Lorentz force formula is actually not for the interaction, but just action of outside already known "averaged" (not really) electric and magnetic fields upon this one - only 1 (one) particle.

If anybody was taught on this with detail - tell us at which university?

Meanwhile, the Coulomb force formula is electrostatic - when everything in atom and volume with atoms and aether is dynamical. Meaning - all the sub-atomic particles are in constant dynamics.

Also - the Coulomb force formula is for the point-mass-charge particles - when particles in atomic physics are in close counteractions.

5) The great imbalances in CAMG is the structureless particles as the point-mass-charge-spin (PMCS) objects and the absence of the intermedium of aether.

6) Impossibility of Up-scaling, averaging of dynamic dependencies, of the governing equations for any statement with the PMCS particles [6-12] in CAMG presents the road blocking obstacles for further advancements in this (current) version of CAMG.

Only approximate methods can be developed.

7) The studies on Atomic Physics by M.Gryzinski with confidence while using the Classical Mechanics still have had their natural limitations of COH physics generally.

The limitations are the same as of all COHP as are related to limitations of COHP Classical Mechanics as the mechanics of point-masses and as of the limitations of the physics of One-scale For All (OFSA) principle. When COHP is the physics that explores and knows only the subjects of a one physical space-scale and the coefficients "science" for scaleportation from one scale physics to the another scale physics.

In this case of CAMG it is the scaleportation from the sub-atomic developments - even obtained with Classical Mechanics, to the higher scale - the meso-scale or one of the Continuum Scales physics.

To get to the physics of HS - Heterogeneous Hierarchical Scaled nature the studies of M.Gryzinski should be continued in the same direction and with the tools, methods developed in the General Hierarchical Scaled Physics for the 3P physics methods.

8) No blame or censure, reproach can be addressed to great name of M.Gryzinski who in that difficult time of 1960 - 2000s raised loudly the voice for correcting mostly mathematically imaginable theoretical constructs of COHP in physics of sub-atomic world.

Acknowledgements :

We would like to sincerely express our acknowledgment to T.J.Champion for the support in providing this work.


1. Gryzinski, M., The Atom Deal , Homo-Sapiens, Warsaw, (2002) (in Polish)

2. Gryzinski, M., On Atom Precisely. 7 Lectures on Atomic Physics, in Proc. V-th Siberian Interdisciplinary Conference on Mathematical Problems of Physics Space-Time Complex Systems (STP-2004), Iss. 1, Novosibirsk, (2004) 93p. (in Russian)

3. Lavrentiev, M.M., "Ad Disputandum," in The Search Mathematical Laws of the Universe: the Physical Ideas, Approaches, Concepts, (Vol. 2), Novosibirsk, pp. 3-15, (2004) (in Russian)

4. Yeganova, I.A., "Atomic Physics of Gryzinski and the Main Purpose of the Conference Physics SpaceTime - PST," in The Search Mathematical Laws of the Universe: the Physical Ideas, Approaches, Concepts, (Vol. 7), pp. 18-36, (2006) (in Russian)

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28. Travkin, V.S.,"Homogeneous Mathematical Schemes for Heterogeneous Multiphase Fluids - 14 Years After 1998 Analysis and Criticism,", (2012)

29. Travkin, V.S., "Two-Scale Three-Phase Regular and Irregular Shape Charged Particles (Electrons, Photons) Movement in MHL Electromagnetic Fields in a Vacuum0 (Aether),", (2013)

30. Travkin, V.S. and Bolotina, N.N., "Two-Scale Two-Phase Formation of Charged 3D Continuum Particles - Sphere and Cube From Electrons in a Vacuum0 (Aether). An Example of Scaleportation of Charge from the Sub-Atomic to Continuum Charged Particles, Conventional MD Cannot be Applied,", (2013)

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Elements of 2nd Physics at the beginning of XXI


These are not well known problems, because of decades COHP studies in the mode of Homogeneous fields they (these tasks) couldn't be stated in any correct form - still can not be resolved within the Homogeneous One-Scale General physics, Spinning physics, nuclear, particle and atomic physics, electromagnetism, Gravidynamics and astrophysics.

Why not? Because everything is interconnected and exchanging. There is no really Closed System or Volume.

Will be Updating

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