The Annals of Exploratory Science

Rotation of Fe and Cu Atoms in a Crystal Lattice Induced by External Electromagnetic Fields


We select the spatial 3D morphologies of physical space occupation with the 3D physical structural volumetric models of free electrons, the similar 3D spatial physical models of $Fe$ and $Cu$ structural atoms arrays with the specific for each free electron and singled out atom the local electrodynamics governing set of equations. These equations were taken as of Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz (MHL) homogeneous electrodynamics as well as of Galilean electrodynamics of Klyushin (GEK) at the lower homogeneous scale for each electromagnetic particle or/and atom.

That gives ability and methods for the theory and modeling of non-local bulk electrodynamics and momentum dynamics of the all participating and interacting particles and atoms in the outlined volume. Obtaining the nonlocal averaged governing equations for an outlined free form Representative Elementary Volume (REV) in the specified volume with the solid phase $Fe$ or $Cu$ metal with the amount of free electrons within the space of a sample is the ultimate goal in the overall problem.

Then, only with the ability to average the multiple local EM fields in a Representative Elementary Volume (REV) in the specified volume we obtain the mathematical procedure for the assessments of the bulk Upper scale local, which is in detail the nonlocal lower scale assessment, of the rotation and possible movement of each $Fe$ or $Cu$ separate atom in the site of a lattice.

That in turn, gives the mechanism for simulation of the Upper scale magnetic field $\QTR{bf}{B}$ that will be the most accurate two-scale, at least, estimation and quantitative simulation of metal's bulk response to the external fluctuation of the EM fields. The response of the magnet piece includes and has the rotation moment for each of the atom, molecule of that piece of metal.

The unsteady external electromagnetic fields - is that the implementation and understanding of the 3P magnetism as the proliferation of the major sub-atomic particles and atoms' themselves the collective electromagnetic expression via the known nuclear and particle physics experimental facts, of the external medium, material EM fields and energy distributions.

These Upper EM fields are determined via the scaled averaging in Heterogeneous by nature of matters of the lower scales governing equations. While these lower scale governing equations in their turn can be and almost always are themselves the result of Top-Down physical consideration and averaging (physical not imaginary mathematical approach) at the even lower scales physics.

It is appropriate to mention here for this problem, that the Conventional Orthodox Homogeneous Physics (COHP) due to its Homogeneous mathematics even now at the beginning of XXI century has no tools, methods and consecutively the ability to average the Heterogeneous matter dynamics problems, and that means this kind of averaging for EM fields of magnetism COH physics is not able to provide for more than a century since electrons role was understood.

We will put in further texts some points on discrepancies with the "quantum" theory used in COHP to understand and explain the magnetism, for educational university programs and discuss the wrong points that since 1920-30s are never studied again.


Tuesday, 30-Apr-2024 05:12:29 GMT

Any information displayed here is the propriatary information in the area of "Rotation of Fe and Cu Atoms in a Crystal Lattice Induced by External Electromagnetic Fields."

This is also the well known problem - still can not be solved within the Homogeneous One-Scale Magnetism theory, electromagnetism, particle physics.


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