The Annals of Exploratory Science

Interscale Magnetism Between the Sub-Atomic ("vacuum0") - Mesoscale (Continuum) - and Bulk Micrometer Scale Polydomain Characteristics. Magnetic Motors Phenomenon Applications


There are a few scales that can be viewed as the fundamental scales with their physics of magnetism. In the most known now COHP (Conventional Orthodox Homogeneous Physics) definitions and techniques related to magnetism phenomena there are no direct methods that could summarize, combine the collective effects either of electrons or atoms in a bulk.

We address these issues and methods in our:

Travkin, V.S., Solid State Polyscale Physics. Fundamentals,, (2014)

Travkin, V.S., Statistical Mechanics Homogeneous for Point Particles. What Objects it Articulates?, (2014)

Travkin, V.S., Electrodynamics 2 - Elements 3P (Polyphase-Polyscale-Polyphysics),, (2013)

Travkin, V.S., "Solid State Plasma Models,", (2006)

The spatial 3D morphologies of physical space occupied with the 3D physical structural volumetric models of electron arrays, the similar 3D spatial physical models of structural atom arrays ( of Nd (Neodymium), for example) with the specific for each particle and atom electrodynamic local governing set of equations that should have the 2nd (upper) scale ~(10^(-7)-10^(-5))[m] governing equations, that will continue with physical and mathematical governing equations for the scale of magnetized domains and finally concluded with the governing equations for the bulk magnetic material of (~10^(-3))[m].

At each of the scale the local EM fields in the sample of a material have been modeled via the 3P (Polyscale Polyphase Polyphysics) electrodynamics theory (MHL or GEK (Galilean electrodynamics by Klyushin)) while the averaged Upper spatial scale distributions are determined through the governing equations for the Heterogeneous medium that consists of the particulate phases, atomic "phase" and an aether in the volume of a sample.

The tremendous complexity of governing equations for the 3rd from the bottom heterogeneous material scale makes the methods of closure the need for each scale starting from the BU-2 (Bottom-Up -2) scale, the task which is not known in the Conventional Orthodox Homogeneous (COH) physics.

Up to the 1980s this kind of closure was not known and problems were not solved or modeled with the definite level of mathematical strictness at all.

This polyscale approach to physical problems is the must for polyscale polyphase physical tasks, because the usual Homogeneous modeling is far away from the physics and mathematics that exist in this Heterogeneous Scaled physics.

Obtaining the nonlocal averaged governing equations for the most upper scale of the physics tasks in the specified 3D volume with the solid phase of magnetic medium within the space of a sample is the ultimate goal in the overall magnetism problem modeling and simulation.

Of each of modeling (not physical we can say) methods of the 50s - 2010s that we can find in the literature all of them are developed actually for Homogeneous media, we should say that the Homogeneous methods are defective just because the Heterogeneous polyphase media have been changed in these methods for the homogeneous somehow material. While this is the great simplification and wrong physics and mathematical statements.

The polydomain overall upper scale bulk magnetism modeling includes the scale down magnetism in each of the domain magnetized in its own direction. These domains have the two kind of boundaries that makes the theory and modeling even more challenging.

The known and explained in HSP-VAT mechanisms of magnetization and demagnetization have no relationships to the COHP explanation of magnetism that is using the fantastic definitions and procedures for electrons and other particles, atoms involvement, dynamics.

COH physics cannot do the nonlocal operations for the polyphase matter because its methods cannot treat and cannot average the heterogeneous media dynamics problems in all areas of physics. That is why HSP-VAT is the covering physics for COH physics.

Application of the 3P magnetism for theory and modeling of the Magnet Motors (MM) immediately posts the same kind of questions that belong to the same set of issues and problems that were discussed above.

The matter is even more complicated for MM as soon as that for MM theory we need to include the 1 or 2 more scales - the upper scales of continuum Heterogeneous electromagnetism in the motor itself.

As it appeared throughout the few decades of MM experimental design, finally a few major spatial designs of MM have been emerged mainly through the effort of M.Yildiz.

It is astonishing to observe the irresponsible, unwise reaction of academic, university physics workers to what is the outstanding advancement of our time.

In the current piece of research we have being concerned to the magnetic phenomena physical problem formulation and mathematical statement that are using the polyscale physics methods for formulation of these tasks. On this path we found many unanswered questions that demand theoretical analysis and modeling. It is obvious also from our studies in other areas of physics that these problems are of another type; they have statements and mathematics of more wide and advanced nature. These problems are in need of much bigger resources to find the answers, the solutions, for the practical optimization pathways.

That is just larger, much larger mission than those treated in COHP as magnetism problems.


Tuesday, 30-Apr-2024 00:31:30 GMT

Any information displayed here is the propriatary information in the area of "Interscale Magnetism Between the Sub-Atomic ("vacuum0") - Mesoscale (Continuum) - and Bulk Micrometer Scale Polydomain Characteristics. Magnetic Motors Phenomenon Applications."

This is also the well known problem - still can not be resolved within the Homogeneous One-Scale Magnetism theory, electromagnetism, particle physics.


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