The Annals of Exploratory Science

Electromagnetic Fields of Electrons and Atoms of Fe, Cu, and Ni at the Sub-Atomic and a Single Site of Perfect Crystal Lattice


We construct the spatial 3D morphologies of physical space occupation with the 3D physical structural volumetric models of electron arrays, the similar 3D spatial physical models of $Fe,$ $Cu$, and $Ni$ structural atoms arrays with the specific for each particle and a singled out atom the local electrodynamics governing set of equations. These equations were taken as of Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz (MHL) homogeneous electrodynamics as well as of Galilean electrodynamics of Klyushin (GEK) at the lower homogeneous scale for each electromagnetic particle or/and atom.

That gives ability and methods for the theory and modeling of non-local bulk electrodynamics and momentum dynamics of the all participating and interacting particles and atoms in the outlined volume. Obtaining the nonlocal averaged governing equations for an outlined free form Representative Elementary Volume (REV) in the specified volume with the solid phase $Fe,$ $Cu$, or $Ni$ metal with the amount of free electrons within the space of a sample is the ultimate goal in the overall problem.

As we wrote in many papers and publications the Conventional Orthodox Homogeneous Physics (COHP) due to its Homogeneous mathematics even now at the beginning of XXI century has no tools, methods and consecutively the ability to average the Heterogeneous matter dynamics problems, and that means this kind of averaging COH physics is not able to provide.

That was one of the reasons for abandoning the aether and opting out the volumetric character of the sub-atomic particles at the beginning of XX.

That is why the magnetism explanation in COH physics is so fantastic, fantasy of transforming the "circling" of electrons around of non-specific bunch of nucleons magnetic moments to the bulk magnetic and electric fields - manually actually.


Pseudo-explanation of the magnetism phenomena in COHP.


Another pseudo-explanations of electrons magnetic momentum alignment as for the magnetism phenomena in COHP.

Tell us - How this alignment can be done - mathematically and physically, not verbally? Can you use the correct equations? What kind of equations?

Referring to quantum mechanics will open the pandora box, not advised, not correct equations. We are discussing on this QM attempt to explain magnetism in texts of this chapter.

This HSP-VAT two-scale, at least, local-nonlocal consideration constitutes the two-scale physical and mathematical models for the upper scale (meso-scale) nonlocal physical properties of the sample of metal with the assigned spatial atomic crystal lattice.

The spatial initial lattice will obtain the quality that makes it with the property of self-adjusting density rate for a crystal with all consecutive properties of the metal sample: density; temperature obtained via the photon field distribution in interaction to the Boundary values and other constinuents of the medium as - atoms, electrons and aether, when the Boundary Value (BV) features are taken as parts of the upper and lower scale BV problems; electro-physical atomic and solid state properties, etc.

We are showing that with this physical statement of the polyphase polyscale from the sub-atomic to a meso-scale model for a metal sample we obtain the ability to consider also, which is very complicating to the problem's mathematical statement, the fluctuations in the sample at the atomic scale as, for example, of thermal or external mechanical vibration (stress induced via the EM fields at the lower scale and by the EM fields averaged forming the bulk stress, and vice versa - when external EM fields or stress via the Boundary surface implement the change at the Lower scale electrodynamics) input.


Tuesday, 30-Apr-2024 01:03:35 GMT

Any information displayed here is the propriatary information in the area of "Electromagnetic Fields of Electrons and Atoms of Fe, Cu, and Ni at the Sub-Atomic and a Single Site of Perfect Crystal Lattice."

This is also the well known problem - still can not be solved within the Homogeneous One-Scale Magnetism theory, electromagnetism, particle physics.


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